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4-3-1 Sumo Squat

  1. Stand with the feet about one and a half times hip width apart and toes pointed out 45 degrees. Dig the big toe into the ground, keep the feet flat on the ground and picture yourself ripping the floor apart using the feet, this will allow you to drive the knees wide and activate the glutes.

  2. Hold the dumbbell at a 45-degree angle and angle the torso forward 45 degrees, as well.

  3. Take a deep breath in and tighten your core, allow the hips to slide back as you begin your descent (remember, the hips are what starts the movement). Sit the hips back and start bending the knees, descending until you get the glutes as low as you can. Do not allow the chest to drop and pay close attention to the even weight distribution in both feet.

  4. While continuously driving the knees wide, push down on the ground with the feet to return to the starting position.

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