Much More than just "Man's Best Friend"

Every time you leave for work, you try to avoid looking into your dog’s signature “sad puppy face”. Our dogs are notoriously good (and, sometimes, notoriously bad), so why not share our journey to great physical health to our hairy, little buddies?
Living in El Paso, we are fortunate enough to have a plethora of outdoor activity possibilities where we can bring along Rover. For example, for the hikers, you can take your pups up the Franklin Mountains or to a dog-friendly park; and, for just about everyone, take him out for a little stroll or jog around the neighborhood.
Of course, if you are taking your pup out, always make sure you bring enough water to keep him cool and check on him regularly to ensure he has not gone beyond his exhaustion point (while you may desire to lose a few inches for your trip to Cabo, your dog is just excited about getting to go outside).
If you have your own favorite activities for you and your pooch, be sure to share that with all of us!